In this work I looked back on my creative expressions as a child- I remember constantly drawing and painting the sun in the corner of a page. I also have a faint memory of the moment I decided to draw sunglasses on the sun. This was quite a common decision among my peers. My installation examines this unanimous choice growing up; looking at what this personification could represent, and how it can be translated into a 3D setting.
With the sun looking down on mine and my peers' drawings, it became a god-like figure- omniscient. However, one important factor cannot be missed- the irony of it all. The sun wearing sunglasses. The sun becomes self-aware. I like to think that with this in mind, the decision indicated a pivotal change in my consciousness growing up. 
Installation view from University of Fine Arts Hamburg for the Annual Exhibition 2024, presented as part of Classe Simon Denny
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